Technical Data:
This DV panel will be the electrical interface between the DV and the Site Fire alarm system. The Panel shall monitor itself and all connected input circuits including the supply for fault and shall signal the FAS system accordingly.
In case the Deluge valve Opens (Automatically or Manually) this will cause the pressure switch mounted on the outlet to sense the change in pressure and change state. This in turn will switch on the DV Open indication. Along with this the panel will switch on its external alarm signal to annunciate the alarm condition on the main FAP or repeater panel.
Manal Operation:
A push button on the DV panel will enable the operator to open the DV Manually. When this button is operated the "Manual" indication will come on and the Solenoid mounted on the DV will be switched on. The Audio Visual alarm will also sound.
Remote Operation:
As above in case the DV need's to be opened remotely, A push button or relay contact can be used to signal the "MAIN FAP" indication along with this the Solenoid mounted on the DV will be switched on. The Audio Visual alarm will also sound.